United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

A sustainable future is a goal that touches all of us, but how can we achieve it, and what opportunities does it offer? The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a comprehensive framework for building a more sustainable and equitable world. These goals are not just the responsibility of governments or the public sector; they can also offer significant benefits and business opportunities for companies. When businesses adopt sustainable development principles, they can not only contribute to the common good but also strengthen their own competitiveness and create new value for customers and stakeholders.

The Junior Chamber International (JCI) is actively committed to supporting the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. JCI is the only organization in the world authorized to use the UN globe in its logo, reflecting its strong commitment to global development goals.

JCI Oulu considers these goals to be a central part of its activities and strives to promote them locally through concrete initiatives and projects. For example, the “Liikukko nää?” project is designed to support Goal 3, which focuses on health and well-being. Similarly, the “PopUp Oulu” project advances Goal 11, which is related to creating sustainable cities and communities. In the fall of 2019, JCI Oulu, in collaboration with Oulun Tervaporvarit, organized a significant “Sustainable Future” networking event that brought together businesses and business leaders in Oulu. The event aimed to raise awareness of the opportunities offered by sustainable development and encourage companies to incorporate sustainability into their business strategies.

JCI Oulu believes that integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into business practices not only helps address global challenges but also creates a new competitive edge and sustainable growth for companies. Together, we can build a better future for all of us.