JCI Oulu members of the board are elected once a year in election meeting in Autumn. JCI has the principle of one year to lead so typically every board member can be one time in each position.
You can contact all board members by email firstname.lastname@jci.fi
JCI Oulu board members 2024
Riitta Typpö
Chair of the board (PRES)
Sanna Ruotsalainen
Immediate past president (IPP)
Jennimari Koskela
Deputy president and partnerships (DP/VP1/BUS)
Katri Hukkanen
Individuals (IND/VP2)
Una Yue Yu
International officer (INT/VP3)
Emilia Kaihua
Local officer of Members (LOM/VP4)
Krista Huttu
Communication (LIO)
Ville Kestilä
Secretary (SECY)
Miia Pääkkönen
Treasurer (TREAS)
Community relations and National projects/competitions (COM)