
JCI Oulu Strategy 2021-2024


At JCI Oulu, we are committed to long-term activities, and our operations are based on a strategy created by our members.

VISION – What are we aiming for?

A JCI Oulu member changes the world.

MISSION – What do we do?

Meaningful action through encouraging each other, working together, learning together, and making an impact together.

IDENTITY – What is a JCI Oulu member like?

A doer.


UN Sustainable Development Goals

Strategic Goals for 2021-2024:

  1. Individual development
  2. Inclusive and communal network
  3. Agile impact

At JCI Oulu, we value strategic planning. We regularly update our strategy and offer our members the opportunity to influence the operations of our chamber. Participating in the strategy working group allows members to learn strategic thinking, which they can later apply in their professional lives and JCI careers.

JCI Oulu’s strategic work was carried out during 2019-2020 (primarily in 2020). The strategy was developed using adapted models learned from the “Strategia!” training by JCI Finland. This year, the implementation of the strategy was also supported by the Finland Foundation. The funds were used for a strategy lecture and workshop provided by an external consultant. The strategy process was led by Elena Oikarinen, and the strategy group was composed of a diverse range of members, including new members, experienced members, board members, and senators. The primary goal of the entire strategy process was to ensure that the voices of members and stakeholders were widely heard.

As part of the strategy process, a member survey was conducted, along with two self-facilitated workshops, a strategy lecture, a strategy workshop, and opportunities for members to comment on the draft strategy. The strategy is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing each year’s board to define more specific action plans, goals, and metrics during their terms. However, the strategy working group provides tools for monitoring the strategy’s implementation. We live in a changing society, and the changes that have occurred challenge the operations of JCI chambers even more. The strategy we have developed is intended to provide guidelines for future boards in planning their activities, while leaving enough flexibility for ongoing strategic work and responding to a changing operating environment. We encourage future boards to think even more innovatively so that JCI Oulu remains an active societal influencer and a developer of its members’ skills.

As a new part of the strategy, the identity of JCI Oulu has been defined, clearly stating who we are.

Project team members included: Arto Tanskanen, Mikael Kautto, Paavo Koho, Minna Lemponen-Tormänen, Susanna Sainsalo, Jenina Bomström, Riitta Typpö, Anu-Maarit Moilanen, Outi Törmänen, Raisa Juntunen, and the external consultant was Johanna Laurinen from Businessworks Oy.

JCI Oulu’s next strategy period begins in 2025, and the new strategy will be created during 2023 and 2024.