Quality Project Management (QPM)

Quality Project Management is a project management tool created by JCI Oulu.

Have you ever been part of a project where goals weren’t met, deadlines were extended, or the budget was exceeded? QPM (Quality Project Management) is a proven method for managing projects effectively. It focuses on both the quality of execution and the quality of the final result. This well-tested approach is suitable for projects of all sizes, events, development initiatives, and workplace needs. The training is ideal for both novices and those with prior project experience. The content can be tailored to the specific needs of the participants, with existing or upcoming project ideas used as examples.

The QPM training is a program developed by JCI Oulu, offered to JCI members as well as companies. The purpose of the training is to introduce the concepts of project work and the QPM model, provide tools for efficient work, motivate better project performance, and inspire new ideas for project management.

The goals of the training are to learn the different phases and levels of a project, address common reasons for project failures—such as repeated mistakes, extended timelines, and unmet goals—and understand the importance of quality in project management.

QPM training sessions are conducted by JCI Oulu trainers who bring diverse project experience from both the JCI world and the professional field.

  • Elena Oikarinen
  • Jennimari Koskela
  • Paulo Lopes
  • Riitta Typpö
  • Ulla Pirkola
  • Katri Hukkanen
  • Reija Karjalainen
  • Kati Blide