National Activity

Building Comprehensive National Expert Networks Through JCI

Through JCI activities, you can build extensive national expert networks.

JCI Finland was founded in 1957. In Finland, there are approximately 2,500 regular members, and together with honorary members, trial members, and senators, we form an active network of about 5,000 JCI members. The national organization encompasses nearly 70 local JCI chambers across various regions of Finland.

The central organization of JCI Finland functions as the umbrella organization for the local JCI chambers established in Finland, in alignment with the spirit and objectives of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Inc. The central organization’s mission is to support its member associations in their efforts to develop the individual abilities of young people and to encourage their collective efforts to enhance the economic, social, and spiritual well-being of humanity.

JCI Finland is divided into four regions (A, B, C, and D) to ensure the organization’s service capacity and enhance its operations. Each region is represented by a regional director who serves on the board of JCI Finland. JCI Oulu belongs to Region D, which covers all of Northern Finland and part of Eastern Finland. Over the years, JCI Oulu members have actively participated in both regional and national positions. Each JCI chamber’s president represents their chamber as the official representative at national and regional meetings.

At the national level, two major meetings are held annually: the Annual Meeting in the spring and the Election Meeting in the fall. Each region also hosts two regional meetings per year: the Annual Meeting in March and the Election Meeting in September. These meeting weekends include not only the official meetings but also training sessions, company visits, networking opportunities, and a gala dinner.

You can access the JCI Finland website here.

Learn more on the Region D website here.

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