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Microsoft Office 365 - account

JCI Finland has initiated a significant internal communication overhaul by creating a personalized email address for each JCI Finland member in the format This address serves as the login credential for Office 365 services.

Initially, JCI Finland will roll out email and the Teams application. As a chamber member, you’ll have easy access to the nationwide JCI network, which is conveniently accessible via mobile!

These accounts will play a crucial role in member communication, so please activate your account as soon as you receive the credentials. You can download Office applications to your mobile device for free from the app store.

Activating Your Account

You will receive an email from with detailed instructions on how to activate your account. Here are a few steps to get you started:

  1. Read the email from thoroughly.
  2. Log in for the first time using the password and other details provided in the email.
  3. Set up your email and Teams on your mobile device or computer.

Teams and Its Teams

Here are a few instructions specific to JCI Oulu. A dedicated team called “Oulun Nuorkauppakamari” has already been created on Teams, where members and trial members will be added by the chamber’s secretary. Additionally, within this team, there are various channels where members can discuss specific topics. Project communication is also conveniently managed within Teams.

Haven’t Received Your Credentials?

If you haven’t received your credentials in your email, follow these steps:

  1. Check your email’s spam folder. Has the message possibly been redirected there?
  2. If the email isn’t in your spam folder, next check M-Files for your email address. Is the address correct, and have you updated it to your current address?
  3. If everything is correct, contact the chamber’s secretary to resolve the issue.

For any problems, feel free to reach out to the secretary of JCI Oulu (ONKK).


M-Files is a real-time tool for managing and reporting membership information, to which every JCI member has their own login credentials. Through the member portal, you can find the contact information for all JCI members (including trial members, regular members, honorary members, and senators), your own details, and numerous documents related to chamber leadership and marketing.

Remember to regularly update your information in M-Files, including your general details, meeting participation, roles, completed training, awards, and other JCI-related achievements. It is important for members to keep their information up to date, as these details define your merits and skills when applying for various JCI positions.

You can conveniently download the M-Files app to your mobile device for free from the app store.

Alternatively, you can access the membership directory from here.

Logging into M-Files on Mobile:

  1. Download the free M-Files app from the Play Store or App Store.
  2. Open the app and enter “snkk” in the server field.
  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. Logging in is only required the first time you use the app on mobile.

Logging in via Browser:

  1. Open the login page at
  2. You have received your login credentials via email from noreply [at]
  3. If you have forgotten your password or want to change it, you can do so at:
  4. Under the “Browse” function, you can easily view various information and documents. You can also use the search function to quickly find any JCI members across Finland.

If you need further instructions on how to use M-Files, you can find them within the system under the path Browse > 13. M-Files Instructions and Videos.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact the chamber secretary by email or phone, and we’ll go over it together.