Many members of JCI Oulu aspire to become professional board members in the future. The board activities of JCI Oulu prepare future leaders for high-quality board work.
JCI offers opportunities to learn leadership locally, regionally, nationally, and even internationally. Every role or task provides an opportunity to practice people management.
The board of JCI Oulu is elected annually at the autumn election meeting. Serving on the board is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about board work and the management of various projects and people. In JCI, each board position lasts for one year, and an individual can generally hold a position only once.
Many JCI members become interested in chairing their local chamber at some point in their JCI career. JCI Finland has developed a leadership training concept that combines the training of incoming local chamber presidents, current presidents, and the mentorship of national and regional candidates into one comprehensive program. This award-winning training concept provides JCI members with the opportunity to learn a wide range of leadership skills that they can also apply in their professional lives.
Below, the board of JCI Oulu as of 2025. You can reach each board member via email at
JCI Oulu Board
Jennimari Koskela
Chair of the Board (PRES)
Riitta Typpö
Immediate past president (IPP)
Anna Poropudas
Deputy president and partnerships
Jarmo Levo
Individuals (IND)
Henna Alho
International Officer (INT)
Krista Huttu
Local officer of Members (LOM)
Juuso Råman
Communication (LIO)
Saara Kauppinen
Secretary (SECY)
Sandra Leinonen
Treasurer (TRES)
Reija Karjalainen
Community relations and National projects/competitions (COM)