JCI Oulu and JCI Tar Valley Oulu had the honor of hosting the 2024 European Conference in Oulu. The collaboration between the two chambers began years ago with the conceptual planning and detailed specifications for the conference week. This work continued until June 2024, when nearly 1,500 guests from around the world arrived in Oulu.

The European Conference offered participants a comprehensive range of training sessions, side events, keynotes, competitions, evening parties, and a magnificent Four Seasons Gala. The event was a huge success and made a significant impact on the atmosphere in Oulu.

Organizing an event of this magnitude requires seamless cooperation between the hosting organizations. The European Conference was an excellent project for teaching chambers about project management, for team leaders about leading teams over several years, and for EC team members to gain hands-on experience in various fields. Our members were involved in roles such as Tradeshow Coordinator, co-leader of the Marketing and Communications Team, Steering Committee Member, Leader of the Partnership Team, Leader of the Training Team, and co-leader of the Program Team.

Large conferences offer the opportunity to get involved in areas of personal interest. These roles come with significant responsibilities but also provide invaluable experience, skills, and networking opportunities.