Friendship book

Professional picture woman

Age and profession

27, Master in Economics, working in Sustainability & Business Development

Why JCI?

My ambition was to build larger networks outside of work, and to have a new hobby besides sports. Little did I know, how much more I got!

What have I learnt?

On-hand skills, such as team leading, this WordPress and other digital communication tools, as well as quality project management. And of course other skills, such as public speaking.

What is still ahead?

Everything I still can during my years in JCI..

Weird superpower?

I think I have a rather good memory?

Krista Huttu – LIO 2024

Age and profession

33v, Data Engineer

Why JCI?

I wanted to join exciting projects and meet new people. 

What have I learnt?

Presentation and speaking skills, project management skills and throwing myself into new things. 

What is still ahead?

Leadership path. Afterwards, some role in JCI Finland or international positions.

Weird superpower?

I’m capable of blowing really big soap bubbles.

Jennimari Koskela – DP 2024

Age and profession

29 years old. Professionally, I am a team leader and a prosecutor’s secretary.

Why JCI?

I joined JCI because of the projects. I wanted to develop my professional skills in areas that I don’t get to work on in my current job. I have a thirst for learning and self-improvement. Additionally, I felt that through JCI projects, I could contribute to the development of the Oulu region. Plus, I wanted to, and have indeed gained, a lot of new friends and networks.

What have I learnt?

I have further developed my skills in prioritization and teamwork. It’s also amazing to see how representatives from different professions bring together diverse ideas that evolve into incredible concepts! Moreover, I’ve learned a lot about myself. I now dare to step outside my comfort zone more boldly!

What is still ahead?

I want to learn more about JCI activities both regionally and nationally. Additionally, I aim to better utilize the various training opportunities once I complete my studies alongside work. The leadership path has also started to interest me, even though I didn’t initially think it was my thing.

Weird superpower?

Cat magnet. Cats like me, but I don’t like them. 😬

Reija Karjalainen

Age and profession

40, architect

Why JCI?

I wanted to do something meaningful and add a touch of international experience to my life.

What have I learnt?

How to give impromptu speeches.

What is still ahead?

As a relic with retirement on the horizon, there isn’t much left to achieve, but if I had more years ahead, I would definitely continue to thrive in the regional team!

Weird superpower?

An annoyingly good sense of smell.

Sanna Ruotsalainen – IPP 2024