

Arvoseminaari®️ is a high-level seminar focused on responsible and value-based leadership, held annually in Oulu with different themes. The seminar aims to be impactful, engaging, and to have a societal influence by attracting nationally significant panelists for panel discussions. Arvoseminaari is organized by the Oulun Kauppaklubi, with JCI Oulu acting as a partner. The target audience for the event includes local entrepreneurs, decision-makers, young leaders, and students.

Arvoseminaari is an excellent example of the interesting and locally impactful projects regularly undertaken by JCI. As a member of the project team, you will have the opportunity to develop your leadership and professional skills, as well as learn project management. The project also provides the chance to network extensively with local influencers. Through this project, we aim to spark discussions on a topic important to JCI members: responsible and value-based leadership.