Training & Development

Endless opportunities for development

At JCI Oulu, we strongly encourage continuous self-development. As a member of our chamber, you have the opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills that are beneficial in the workplace through various training programs. These training opportunities are available at the local chamber level, nationally during conference weekends, and even internationally.

JCI Finland has developed training programs to support the development of various skills, including the traditional JCI focus areas of public speaking and debating. The knowledge and skills gained from JCI Finland’s training offerings are widely applicable in professional life as well. Additionally, JCI Oulu has developed specific training programs, such as the Quality Project Management (QPM) course, which focuses on high-quality project management. Our members also deliver high-level training sessions to fellow members each year. Topics have included remote leadership, time management, internationalization, and wellness-related themes.

Training and serving as a trainer are excellent ways to network and learn from participants through discussion. Growth and development as a trainer within JCI occur through participating in the Trainer Path programs and leading various training sessions.

JCI also provides an excellent platform to test your own training concepts and receive feedback. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to offer your own training to chamber members!

Here are some examples of different training programs:

Trainer Path

In addition to attending training sessions, JCI provides the opportunity to grow and develop as a trainer. The goal is to enhance members’ training skills for professional purposes, and the path is suitable for anyone looking to improve their public speaking and presentation skills.

Persuade & Influence

The “Persuade & Influence” training provides tools for preparing and delivering presentations, skills that are valuable not only in JCI activities but also in professional life. In this course, participants learn and develop through both theory and practice. It is intended for anyone looking to enhance their presentation skills.

Develop as a Trainer

The “Develop as a Trainer” course introduces participants to the adult learner, various learning styles, and teaching methods. You will explore what makes a good trainer, assess your own skills, and learn how to manage group dynamics effectively. This training lays the foundation for productizing your training skills.

This course is designed for anyone who wants to improve their training skills, whether in a hobby setting or in professional life. The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical exercises.

Training Design

The “Training Design” course teaches how to systematically build training content and objectives using various tools. Additionally, it covers how to collect and utilize feedback to enhance future training sessions.

This course is ideal for anyone looking to create high-quality, well-structured training programs for both hobby and professional needs.

Presentation Techniques

In the “Presentation Techniques” course, you will learn how visual elements impact the understanding of your message and how to create visually effective presentations. The course covers the use of fonts, colors, images, and videos to enhance your presentations.

This training is for anyone who wants to develop their skills in creating visual and memorable presentations.

Training Marketing

The “Training Marketing” course teaches you how to articulate the benefits of your training and select the right message to effectively market your training to your chosen target audience.

Public Speaking and Debate Trainings and Competitions

Do you admire people who seem to speak effortlessly? That ease usually comes from extensive experience. Practice makes perfect, even in this area. We offer numerous opportunities each year for our members to improve their public speaking skills.

In public speaking and debate trainings, the focus is on presentation skills and argumentation, with practice sessions for delivering various types of speeches. The training also covers participation in competitions and their rules.

Participating in a public speaking or debate competition is an extremely effective way to grow as a speaker. The public speaking competition takes place in the spring, and the debate competition in the fall.


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